Should You Have Your Mercury Fillings Removed? 

As time has gone on, more information has become available about the dangers of mercury fillings. Mercury in general is a hazardous substance. But in the past, it was commonly used as a dental filling because of its durability and ease-of-use. Almost everyone in over a certain age has mercury fillings in their mouth if they ever had a cavity filled. It is now possible to have mercury fillings removed and replaced with amalgam fillings, which are considered to be safer. But there are hazards associated with removing mercury fillings, just as there’re hazards associated with keeping mercury fillings in. So what is the right choice tonight? Should you have your mercury fillings removed?

The Dangers Of Having Mercury Fillings Removed

Mercury is a substance that releases vapors when is disturbed. One situation where papers could be released is when you have mercury fillings removed. The vapors could theoretically cause some health issues which you may not have previously had if you had kept your mercury fillings in place. So one of the main dangers of having mercury fillings removed is that those vapors will be released.

The Safety Of Keeping Mercury Fillings In

The other side of the argument is to keep your mercury fillings as they are. If your mercury fillings are not causing any problems if your health we’re with your dental health, there is a safety that should be considered in keeping mercury fillings in. In other words, there’s really no reason to fix something that isn’t broken.

Talk to Your Dentist

If you are seriously concerned about the dangers of mercury fillings, you should talk to your dentist. Your dentist will have more information about the arguments on both sides of keeping your mercury fillings or having them removed. In addition, your dentist can conduct a thorough visual examination of your feelings see if they are damaged in any way. If there is damage, your dentist make talk to you about the possibility of having your mercury fillings removed.

Alternately, the choice of whether to have your mercury fillings removed or keep them is to be made by you and your dentist. Always follow the advice of your dentist when it comes to your health. For more information about mercury fillings, please feel free to contact us.